
Top 5 Challenges in Manufacturing Industries

  In addition to this some of the pertinent issues, the industry faces in manufacturing products are: 1. Regulatory Compliance and traceability:  Manufacturers of all sectors faces increasing regulations which aims in ensuring product safety to managing disposal and reclamation procedures. Consumers may be benefited from some of the regulations, and each of the regulation adds an additional burden to the companies that must comply with the requirements. Complete visibility in the global supply chains is ensured by the manufacturers and they can prove their own deference and that of the suppliers also. Regulations needs the ability to track where the specific items have been used or to trace materials from an end item at a customer site back to specific materials used in the manufacture. Keeping in view the regulations and managing compliance reporting is a full time activity for multiple people or teams at many manufacturing companies. 2. To keep Product Relevant:  Produc...